Happy New YEAR!! Some people reach the top of the ladder of success only to find it is leaning against the wrong wall.

>> Saturday, January 2, 2010

Some People reach the top of the ladder to find that it is leaning aginst the wrong wall. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his rightwousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

A dog once chased a frieght train but when he had succeeded in stopping the train he didn't know what to do with it. In the end "catching" the train did not bring near the reward he had thought it would. He would have been much more fulfilled as a dog if he had gone after a car or a rabbit.

TODAY make sure your are pursuing is truly what YOU want. Every Success has some degree of difficulty. Be certain you can endure the trails without compromising your values. I give this message to all PINK women in the WORLD. Make 2010 about pursuing what YOU want not only as a business women but as a WOMEN.

Happy New Year! Amanda CEO PPB